Question title

Please rank the following recreation improvements by selecting the most important first, followed by the next most important and so on. If you would like to recommend a different option that is not on the list, click Other, and a fill in the box will appear. Fill in your recommendation.
As always, we appreciate your help. Thank you!
(Favor de revisar la siguente lista de progressos recreativos. Eligé de la lista los mejores mas importantes para usted. Si prefiere recomendar unos diferentes que no estan en las lista, oprime Otro, y escriba en la caja su recomendación.
Appreciamos sus sugerencias. !Gracias por ayudarnos!

Closed to responses

Question title

What improvements do you NOT want in the park? / ¿Que le gustaria ver en el parque de mejoramientos?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Please provide other comments about this park. / Por favor de incluir otros comentarios sobre el parque

Closed for Comments

Question title

How Often Do You Visit The Park? / ¿Con qué frecuencia visita usted el parque?

Every Day / dario
Several Times A Week /varias veces a la semana
Several Times A Month / Varias veces al mes
Several Times a Year
Drive By The Parks But Do Not Go In / paso por el parque, pero no voy
I Have Never Been To The Park / Nunca he ido al parque
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