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Capital Improvements Advisory Committee

Capital Improvements Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee is to advise and assist in the implementation of the impact fee process pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code, which established a method for municipalities to impose impact fees for recouping the cost of off-site capital improvements necessitated by new development. The committee is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on the adoption of Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plans, and on the imposition and recalculation of impact fees.The committee comprises 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member representing the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The committee is required to consist of a combination of five real estate development and building industry representatives and six community representatives. Members serve overlapping two-year terms of office. 

Liaison: Patrick Middleton – (210) 233-3286.

Apply for the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee here.
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