If your business is currently or expected to experience construction in your area please visit the City of San Antonio's Construction Toolkit. This guide helps business owners understand and prepare for City-initiated construction projects.

Business Outreach Specialist: Gabby Tello, 210-207-4688

Learn more about City projects in your neighborhood and across San Antonio. The City of San Antonio’s digital dashboards encompass a wide range of projects, including streets, drainage, parks, and facilities.

Construction Update:


Soledad Street (Commerce to Houston) Proposed One-Way Traffic

On November 29, 2023 the contractor (EZ Bel Construction) will remove and replace the existing striping on Soledad Street between Houston and Commerce Street. In order to accomplish this effort, Northbound Soledad Traffic will detour west to Main Ave. and proceed northbound to Houston and eastbound to Soledad.

Detour routes and signage will be available for motorists, and access to businesses will be maintained at all times. For ease of reference, attached is a map reflecting the proposed vehicular and pedestrian routes.

Project Map


Proposed Traffic Switch on Commerce Street:

Beginning as early as Friday, November 17, 2023, through December 1, 2023, the contractor (EZ Bel Construction) will continue Phase 2 improvements for Commerce Street (St. Mary’s to San Antonio River Bridge). A Traffic Switch from the Northside of Commerce to the Southside of Commerce St. in order to complete installation of crosswalk pavers on the northside of the roadway, Sundek, irrigation, lighting, vegetation, and signage. 


Commerce Street Project Map




City Tower Garage Access - Update

All traffic lanes on Main Street by the City Tower are open.



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