Community Engagement

This survey is will be open until September 15th, 2023. Thank you for taking the time to make sure your voice is heard for your city!

Project Background

The Greater Airport Area Regional Center Plan ("Plan") will help guide development and investments in the area over the next 10 to 15 years. Specifically, the Plan will address the following topics:

  • Land Use
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Mobility
  • Amenities and Public Spaces

In Community Survey #3, the City of San Antonio Planning Department is requesting input on draft Land Use, Housing, and Economic Development recommendations, in addition to requesting input that will be used to develop similar draft recommendations for Mobility, and Amenities & Public Spaces needs specifically for the plan area. All recommendations are meant to build on the Plan’s draft Vision and Goals, which were developed using community input from past surveys and community meetings.

Draft Vision:

"The Greater Airport Area Regional Center is a successful employment center with a variety of small and large businesses, including shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, that serve the area’s diverse and safe neighborhoods, the City, and are compatible with Airport operations. Residents and visitors enjoy a well-distributed and maintained park, open space, and trail system, and complete streets with safe and comfortable pedestrian, bicycle, and transit options."

Draft Goals:

  1. Create safe and vibrant destinations with a diversity of strategically located and high-quality housing, employment, and mixed-use developments that respect existing neighborhoods and avoid conflict with the Airport.
  2. Improve existing streets and create new connections that are truly multimodal, aesthetically pleasing, and provide stormwater benefits.
  3. Increase equitable access to parks, open space, trails, and recreational amenities throughout the regional center.
  4. Address safety concerns and barriers created by transportation infrastructure of all types throughout the regional center.
  5. Improve comfort, safety, and aesthetics throughout the Regional Center with trees, other urban greening, and integration of sustainable infrastructure.
  6. Enhance transit connections to amenities within the Greater Airport Regional Center, to Downtown, and to other regional centers in and outside of San Antonio for residents, employees, and visitors.
  7. Promote quality infill development and redevelopment within neighborhoods and commercial areas that are compatible with existing homes and provides more housing options for existing and new residents.

The boundaries of the Plan area are shown on the Study Area map. Please reference this map when answering questions. 

Draft Recommendations: Land Use, Housing, and Economic Development

The draft recommendations for Land Use, Housing, and Economic Development for the Greater Airport Area Regional Center were created based on public input gathered during public meetings and surveys. Please review the draft recommendations for Land Use, Housing, and Economic Development, and use the slider to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each. If you have ideas for improvements or general comments relating to the draft recommendations, use the space provided for comments.

Use the slider to rate how much you agree or disagree with each recommendation.

Question title

DRAFT Land Use Recommendation #1
Encourage the development of mixed-use destinations that include housing with access to walkable amenities and green space.

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DRAFT Land Use Recommendation #2
Encourage the development of a walkable, mixed-use neighborhood serving "main street" place type along established corridors of the plan area, such as Nacogdoches Road and West Avenue.

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DRAFT Land Use Recommendation #3
Facilitate orderly growth and minimize negative impacts of the airport by limiting new development in the area around the airport to aviation-supportive uses and compatible developments.

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DRAFT Land Use Recommendation #4
Preserve the integrity, stability, and identity of existing neighborhoods.

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DRAFT Housing Recommendation #1
Address future population growth in the Greater Airport Area Regional Center by deflecting development pressures towards key portions of the plan area, and limit housing in areas that might impact San Antonio International Airport's operations.

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DRAFT Housing Recommendation #2
Encourage and attract the development of housing for the Greater Airport Area's growing number of older adults.

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DRAFT Housing Recommendation #3
Improve and preserve the areas stock of market-rate workforce housing.

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DRAFT Economic Development Recommendation #1
Attract commercial activity to the area to improve the economic performance of the Greater Airport Area Regional Center.

*Question edited to correct response option error, previous responses have been saved.

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DRAFT Economic Development Recommendation #2
Develop partnerships to better leverage airport activity for attracting and growing economic activity throughout the Regional Center.

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DRAFT Economic Development Recommendation #3
Address equity in the area by working to ensure all residents have access to jobs, food and green space.

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Leave any comments or ideas you have for the draft recommendations.

Closed for Comments

Mobility, Focus Areas, and Amenities & Public Spaces

This section of the survey will help us gather input from the community to help staff develop draft recommendations for the Mobility and Amenities & Public Space sections of the Plan.

Question title

Review the sites identified here and rank them in order from 1 through 9, with 1 being the top priority for the most important location for future mobility improvements.

Mobility: Review the sites identified here and rank them in order from 1 through 9 with 1 being the top priority for the most important location for future mobility improvements.
Closed to responses | 50 Responses

Question title

Use the comment box to suggest additional sites that need mobility-related improvements, and to describe what kinds of mobility improvements you would like to see in your priority sites or within the Plan area.

Closed for Comments

Question title

Focus Areas, and Amenities & Public Spaces
Using the interactive map, please select the appropriate pin and place it (drag and drop) on the map where you would like to see that type of amenity or public space feature. The map depicts the boundary for the entire Greater Airport Area Regional Center.

You may zoom into the map and place pins anywhere within the Plan Area and share your thoughts by typing in the comments section.

Focus Areas and Amenities & Public Spaces Using the interactive map please select the appropriate pin and place it (drag and drop) on the map where you would like to see that type of amenity or public space feature. The map depicts the boundary for the entire Greater Airport Area Regional Center. You may zoom into the map and place pins anywhere within the Plan Area and share your thoughts by typing in the comments section.

Optional Questions

The next set of optional questions will help us improve our outreach efforts across the City. The information you share helps us better understand how your lived experiences contribute to your experience and perceptions in this survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.

Question title

How long have you lived in the San Antonio region?

I do not live in the San Antonio region
Less than one year
One to five years
Five to ten years
Ten or more years
I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you live or own property in the plan area? If so, for how long?

I live outside of the plan area
Less than one year
One to five years
Five to ten years
Ten or more years
I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

If you live in the Plan area, do you own or rent your home?

I live outside the plan area
I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you work in the plan area? If so, for how long?

I do not work in the plan area
Less than one year
One to five years
Five to ten years
Ten or more years
I prefer not answer
Closed to responses

Question title

If you live or own property in the plan area, in which neighborhood?

Shearer Hills/Ridgeview
Crownhill Park
Greater Harmony Hills
North Castle Hills
Oaks of Vista Del Norte
Riverbend of Camino Real
The Woodlands of Camino Real
Blue Ridge Estates
Blossom Park
Forest Oak
MacArthur Park
Hunter's Mill
Walker Ranch
Churchill Bluffs
Countryside San Pedro
Canyon Park
Gardens at Brook Hollow
Heimer Gardens
The Townhomes of Northpark
Oak Ridge Village
Regency Place
Closed to responses

Question title

City Council District:

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
I'm not sure, but this is my address
I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Race/Ethnicity (select all that apply):

American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Asian American
Black or African American
Hispanic, or Latino/a/x
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Prefer to self-describe:
I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Living with a disability or other chronic medical condition:

I prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

If yes, please describe your disability or chronic medical condition: (select
all that apply)

Deaf or hard of hearing
Physical or mobility related disability
Intellectual or developmental disability
Mental health condition
Chronic medical condition
Prefer to self-describe:
Closed to responses

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Closed to responses

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Closed to responses

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Phone Number

Closed to responses